Training and Workshops
Welcome to makerspace UBCO! All makers are required to complete our two-part safety training, the makerspace UBCO Safety Badge. Not sure where to start? Come check out the makerspace for in-person support.
Optional asynchronous materials are available to help you learn new skills. These cover a range of topics including 3D printing, electronics, and textiles. Visit self-guided resources to get started.
makerspace UBCO offers hands-on workshops that encourage creativity and innovation. Students, faculty, and staff are all welcome to attend to learn new skills.
Dates and information for the upcoming Crochet, Cosplay, Leatherworking and 3D Printing 101 workshops will be listed here!
Crochet Workshop Series
Learn basic crochet methods to make a stitch-y friend! Attendees can finish their project in the workshop or take materials to complete at their own pace. All supplies are provided.
January 2025 dates TBA soon
Cosplay Workshop Series
Intro to cosplay series covering various elements of Cosplay creation including: textiles, foam shaping/sculpting, weathering and finishing, gemstone casting & more.
January 2025 – signups for Wednesday Nights TBA soon
3D printing 101
Introduction to 3D printing for all skill levels. From sourcing 3D models, to optimizing print settings for various projects, attendees will learn everything needed to get started int he 3D printing world.
January 2025 dates TBA soon